Zackery's Gallery

Zackery's Gallery
Booth: AC13; AC14

Company Description:

Zackery D Stockton is a son of God. He has been called a Husband, Stepdad, Brother, Evangelist, Pastor, Artist, Author and Entrepreneur.

Artistic Style: Zackery is a contemporary artist known for his unique blend of humanity and spiritual iconography. His works often depict Jesus Christ in various scenes with humans from all walks of life, symbolizing the healing power of faith and love.

Inspiration: Inspired by the Holy Spirit and his own experiences with faith, Zackery creates art that speaks to humanity and the spiritual comfort provided by Jesus.

Medium: He primarily works in oil on canvas, but also incorporates mixed media and new technology to bring his works of art to life.

Mission: Zackery's heart is to create art that reflects the beauty and diversity of God's creation, and to share the message of hope and grace that Jesus offers to everyone. Through his artwork, he aims to bring Heaven to earth and inspire people to connect with their spirituality and to experience the healing power of faith and love.

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